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Students entering Dynamic Tutoring are tested. Some of the types of tests used are:

Testing takes one and a half to two hours with the client in a one-on-one setting.

Consultation and a written report summarizing the test findings follow this.

Learning Styles
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Students, who are in third grade or above, are tested for learning styles.

Once the student's style is determined, materials are selected to complement his/her style. Likewise, instructors will show the student how to utilize their style for maximum learning. Instructors present materials to the student using instructional techniques to accommodate his/her style.

Visual learners

"Visual learners are rare in a tutorial setting unless the student is working on an enrichment program or preparing for the SAT or ACT," states Mrs.Corriveau, Director. "Much of the public and private school instruction is delivered with visual materials-- textbooks, worksheets, videos, PowerPoint presentations, computers and dry mark boards." Whole-word instruction in reading does best for visual learners.

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners benefit in a tutorial setting, as the learner is engaged in either listening or talking. Because instruction is given one-on-one, learning is focused. A student must be the one to respond without assistance from others.

Auditory learners also benefit from taped books, computer programs with sound cues, card readers, CD's, tapes or records with programs such as Multiplication Rock. Phonics works well with auditory learners.

Tactile Learners

Tactile learners do well in a one-on-one tutorial setting. They enjoy activities that engage their hands--clay, sand, manipulative materials, puzzles, games, computers, and recorded books. Recorded books require the use of the hand for tracking. The Fernald technique and recorded books work well with tactile learners.

Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners require movement. This can be accommodated in a tutorial setting by a change of activity every 15 to 20 minutes. Kinesthetic learners enjoy body movement in the outdoors for finding perimeter or area, and observation of flowers, trees, and animals. They enjoy music or body movement that helps them retain information. For example, one student, a cheerleader, was having difficulty with spelling. When the spelling of the words was put into a cheer format with body movement, she was able to achieve 100% on her spelling tests. Finger math, acting out reading passages, gaming and computer programs all work well with kinesthetic learners.

School-Based Programs
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Once students are away from school, many have difficulty in remembering how to do their homework. Others may lack resources in their homes to assist them in writing reports, doing projects or completing research. They may not have computers, Internet access, reference books, art supplies, or adult assistance.

Dynamic Tutoring has a widely trained staff covering the school curriculum. If an assigned project or report requires research, we have an extensive library and access through DSL to the Internet. Report folders, poster board, markers, colored pencils, maps, graph paper, and magazines are a ready resource for the students. We assist the student by reviewing material covered in class that the student may still not understand. We help them to study for tests, quizzes, and final exams. This help may take the form of preparing study cards, designing practice tests, going over class notes, worksheets, former tests and chapter reviews in their textbooks. All of these strategies utilize the student's learning style.

Summer-Intensified Programs
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All instruction is one-on-one on a daily basis. There are two summer five-week sessions. The intensified program consists of twenty-five hours of instruction, plus one hour of homework for each hour of instruction. Reduced programs of one, two, three or four days a week are available. Each week has a different theme to build general information skills in science, social studies, mathematics, literature, writing and the arts. Children are taught how to identify major point that will be tested, such as numbering, illustrations, bold print, underlining, and highlighting. New information is imparted and the previous material is reviewed each day. At the end of the week the student is tested on the theme. Students that master with 80% or better are given a certificate of accomplishment. The student's name is posted for recognition of his /her accomplishment.

A variety of activities are included with the weekly themes such as estimation, games, computer programs, newspaper articles, writing and reading assignments.

The children apply their reading, writing and mathematics in the kitchen area. Each child is given a recipe to prepare and serve to others in attendance. They discuss the ingredients used and where they would be found in the kitchen. They learn how to use various kitchen utensils and how to measure ingredients.

Students are given homework on a daily basis. Assignments are corrected. The tutor goes over homework errors with the student. Homework completion with 80% or above is recognized by a homework slip that is placed in a drawing box. Weekly prizes are given to the student whose slip is drawn.

Each summer two five-week sessions are held. Instruction times are for one hour between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Study Skills
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Often learning difficulties occur because a student has not been taught how to study. Our school-based programs at Dynamic Tutoring, as well as our other programs, show the student how to study. They are taught how to read informational text in a meaningful way. They are shown techniques of how to use their learning style more effectively. Organizational strategies are demonstrated using planners, trapper keepers and book bags. Note-taking skills are illustrated such as split column, highlighting and abbreviated writing. Test-taking skills are taught in the study skills program, but are also utilized in the summer-intensified program. The study skill program encourages students to ask about the type of test that will be given. They are shown how to study for that particular kind of test. Report writing, which utilizes various formats(including MLA) is built into our study skills program.

Home-School Programs
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We offer a variety of home-school designs. We can plan and execute the student's program including testing and grading with a one-on-one setting.

We can supplement a home-school program by offering assistance in those areas, which the parent does not feel confident to handle.

Dynamic Tutoring's Director will assist parents in planning out a balanced curriculum and serve as a consultant to them.

We do not offer certification for graduation, but we do cooperate with agencies that do issue certification.

Many home-schoolers utilize our diagnostic testing for evaluation of their program.

Speed Reading
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Today's world requires a great deal of information assimilation. Business employees are plagued with e-mails, faxes, mail, inter-office memos, newspapers, technological information, manuals and reference materials. College students are assigned hundreds of pages a week. High school students are taking AP classes, in addition to other classes, sports and other school activities.

How can they possibly get it all completed reading a mere 150 words per minute?

They won't! Our speed-reading class is one-on-one and designed to meet the needs of the student. Computer programs, reading accelerators, and a variety of reading materials are utilized.

Our fifteen-hour program entails the reading of magazines, newspapers and novels. Students are taught and practice four techniques for attacking a page of print.

Drills are used to build eye-span, speed and focus.

The twenty-five hour program deals with magazines, newspapers, novels, textbook and technical reading. The textbook portion utilizes strategies to build comprehension through multi-reads of the text, forced comprehension after each of the eight readings of a chapter, and text interaction strategies for pre-reading and post reading.

ACT/SAT Preparation
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All instruction is one-on-one.

Students are pre-tested to determine areas of strength and weakness.

Portions of the lesson utilize computer programs. The tutor analyzes errors made with the student.

Test-taking strategies are covered such as process of elimination, educational guessing (when it is appropriate) and familiarity with test format.

Students are given practice tests to do at home for getting familiar with test format and questions. They are also assigned worksheets on skills that they experienced difficulty in doing. These assignments are scored and errors are reviewed with the student.

Students are post-tested to show progress made.

Remedial Programs
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At Dynamic Tutoring, we work with clients that have attention-deficits, auditory processing difficulties, learning disabilities, dyslexia, autism, physical and mental challenges, and emotional difficulties.

Children that have been diagnosed with these challenges are frequently average to above average in intelligence, but their impairment has blocked learning. Once they have been diagnosed and proper treatment is given, learning may resume, but there may be educational gaps.

Through diagnostic testing, we can identify where these gaps are and determine the present level. We then provide remedial instruction to fill in these deficits. Lessons are planned on a daily basis with careful attention to skill development, so that a solid foundation is built.

Often times the learning-deficit may have developed from the child not receiving proper instruction for their learning style. If the child is below third-grade, a multi-sensory approach is used. If the client is above third-grade, instruction will be based on their learning style.

Deficiencies in learning can also be caused from illness, changing of schools, changing of teachers, and other physical, emotional, mental or social difficulties.

Whatever difficulties the child has experienced, our program meets their level of functioning and provides the necessary provisions for educating them to the maximum of their potential. Self-esteem may have been affected due to low-performance in school. This leads to a lack of motivation. As the child proceeds through the educational system, if no intervention is provided, the child may become discouraged and drop out or become a discipline problem. Students at Dynamic Tutoring are programmed for success. As the success is attained, the student's self-esteem builds. They become motivated, at they realize that they are capable of doing the work assigned.

Enrichment Programs
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Some parents are desirous of stimulating their child's natural curiosities. Others wish to give their child an extra boost in achievement. Still others wish to fill in time when the child expresses boredom. One parent expressed, " An educational lesson is no different than a piano lesson, an art lesson or a tennis lesson-it is enriching my child." The student is tested to determine his/her strengths or weaknesses. An interest inventory is given to determine those areas that motivate the child. Lessons are written to stimulate the student and challenge his/her thinking.

Advanced students enjoy our summer-intensified units that explore various areas of the curriculum. These units provide vocabulary development, experiments, interesting facts and thinking questions that stimulate the child's mind.

Adult Programs
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If you answered ''yes'' to any of the above, Dynamic Tutoring can help. We work with adults in a one-on-one setting. We will test to find where your skills are. A program will be set up to meet your needs.